PLEASE proof read, its for school and for something else important!!!!!!!!!
Let me tell you something. My life isn't as easy as you might think it is. My life miles as well be left like a dropped mystery case that’s forgotten about. Every night I stare at my starry dark ceiling thinking…What label my birth family has. Why did I turn out so perfect….but they didn't? Is it because I have an actual family that cares what decisions I make in my life? It might actually be true. My birth mom…she wasn't going to care. She was so caught up in her own careless life. Smoking, selling drugs, having sex with literally every guy she sees. For what you ask for. Yes, she only cares about herself. What the LaFollette's have set up for themselves are three main things…Loving, Kindness, and caring. They care so much that they took me and Alee in. Let me tell you. My mom is my most bestest friend in the whole world. Yes even my bestest friend in the whole world that she becomes first before Ethan. Oh, Ethan right. He's my best friend that he might just know a little of everything in my life. I'm so satisfied with my life, it's just in the right place exactly where I want it to be. If you cut out the traumatic parts, but I can't do that exactly. It's apart of me, it's who I am, it explains how I became who I am today. Savanah. A 14 year old girl. Mature, Responsible and loving. Definitely beautiful. Everyday I become more smart, strong, and more mature. If you just edit a little of me…my dirty minded part. You can just simply thank Ethan for that. I'm mostly known for Sweet, halarious, weird, kind, and pretty. Oh, wait. Didn't I just literally say that? Oh yes I did. I just can't brag of how beautiful I am because that wouldn't just be myself. Throughout my life, I have thought a lot about adoption. I mostly want to be adopted on my 15th birthday. That's something I could cherish and carry with the rest of my life. Adoption takes quite forever though. It's kind of more exciting that way if you think about it. Everyday even in fact every second something exciting is happening to someone right now. Someone is either having a baby, getting adopted, having a birthday party, getting married, or something more exciting, your loved one finally coming home after serving 7 years in Afghanistan, or furthermore IRAQ. Who knows. Or you could think negatively and just think someone's getting killed, robbed, or a flat line fails in a hospital. The most happy you could be is either getting married, or….graduating college. People work so hard on their lives, they really should be proud of themselves that they took gradually pride of their academics and made it this far. I tell you. I really want to become a Lawyer. But you know what? I have to work for it. I can just automatically become one. I think that's just it. Our dream career's are what keeps us going, they keep us working hard and lets us become more responsible of our academics, so we can become who we want to be not who we don’t want to be. If you just focus on the future not the past, it will work. Yes, all people make mistakes. Even me. But that’s how we become the people we want to be. That’s how we learn. We make mistakes, we learn from them. Trust me, I've made so many mistakes, I could practically make a book if I could list all of them. But that's not possible because again…I'm focusing on my future, not the past. The past, yes has memories, but sometimes it brings out the darkness, somethings we regret, somethings we don't. But hey, we learn from all the bad things we do right? Don't forget the most important thing on the field. Yourself. Don’t get carried away. Your special. Yes, love will find you, you just have to be patient. Don't go running around like a maniac having a child at 14. That's bad. Don't do that to yourself. And one more thing, if you get bullied, speak up. Don't wait until it gets worse, because then you will just want to disappear, and bad things happen, we all know this. Be happy, don’t let others bring you down. Have closure of the things you want to learn from. Most importantly, be proud of yourself.
- Savvy