$699 is the total.
You have 2 items that you bought.
Divide $699 (the total cost) by 2 (the two items). Do this to figure out how much each of them will cost (approximately) separately.
Now you have each item costing $349.50.
But, they tell you your washer costs $51 LESS than your dryer did.
So you subtract $349.50 - $51 to get $298.50 for the washer.
Since you subtracted $51 dollars from the washer, add $51 to the dryer to even it out:
Dryer = $349.50 + $51
Dryer = $400.50
You know to add this $51 to the dryer’s cost after you subtract $51 of the washers cost because once you take away that $51 from the washer, you total cost for both items would have been $648. But, they tell you your total cost was $699, so you know you have to put that $51 lost somewhere else.
The dryer costs MORE than the washer, because they tell you the washer costs LESS then the dryer. So you add $51 dollars to the dryer after subtracting $51 of the washer’s cost to get:
dryer= $400.50.