I think the first two pictures relate to movies/tv shows
The first picture (of the turtle) reminds me of the show 'Teenage Mutain Ninja Turtles'
The second picture (the one with the dogs) reminds me of the movie 'The Wizard of Oz' it in the movie it says "We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz' thats what the caption in the photo represents.
The next three photos have to do with it being cold or anything winter related
The third picture (the one with the cat that looks like the snowcat) is supposed to be funny because of the cats facial expression when he sees the cat made out of snow. The cat must be confused thats why he says 'who did this?'
The fourth picture (the one with the cat jumping over the snow) is supposedly funny because we can interpret that the cat doesn't like the feeling of the cold snow on his paw.
The fifth and final picture (the one with the dos and the destroyed pillow) is supposed to be funny because of the fact that the dog destroyed the pillow and hid in it. The creator of this photo's caption also makes it pretty funny.
I sound really old and boring but oh well hope this helps. BTW you have a really cool teacher.
justyourultimategeek :)