Evolution is a slow process, More transitional fossils do not found.
Step-by-step explanation:
Evolution is the process of descent with modification. It said that life comes from a simpler organism to this complex modern form by the evolution process. The fossil records also show it. But the fossil is not our direct ancestors. The primitive animals undergo many intermediate forms and then the modern organisms formed. This intermediate organism possesses both ancestral character and modern characters, for which they are intermediate organisms. The evolution process took a long time. The fossils of such organisms are known as transitional fossils. In this transitional form, the organisms were going to modify and results in new organisms in the next few generations. For example, Archeopteryx is the connecting between dinosaurs and birds and it is a transitional fossil. But Archeopteryx is not the direct ancestors of birds. Also, evolution does not happen in a linear line. It is a branchial line such as we all have a common ancestor according to adaptive radiation. That's why the transitional fossils are the intermediate organisms and went for further modifications.