Answer and Explanation:
George Ritzer determines the dimensions on which the McDonald has concentrated and gain success in the dynamic environment. He said that their four dimensions that are the main reasons why the company societies are head towards McDonaldization:
The subdivision of tasks into numerous tasks and assigning that task to a particular employee increases his productivity regardless of his behavioral changes.
The results of operations are assessed on quantitative analysis. This lead to need of adoption of objective measures to assess whether the operation is going well or not. This also the reason of success of Ford plc.
The work assigned to each worker in McDonalds was so standardized that it was very easy for the top management to manage the company in the far much better way. This also helped the top management in assessing the probability of an outcome and its relevance to business decisions. This helped in improved decision making.
The numerous tasks and standardization of tasks lead to increase productivity which helped in controlling the cost of the organization. This also lowered the labor costs as the tasks assigned require lower level of skills to perform the job which again motivates organizations to control costs by standardization of operation.