When the Puritans arrived in 1630 they set up their homes on a small peninsula that extended over no more than 800 acres. This peninsula, called by native Americans the Shawmut Peninsula , was well positioned for maritime commerce and also had the benefit of a constant fresh water supply. Over the years, there were many reasons for making a new bigger land, it was not only the need for more space, some of the reasons why Boston officials increased the city's land area were: making harbor upgrades, create the space for the city's airport, adding railroad tracks and depots, adding more shipping potential in order to compete with other port cities, building public parks, constructing attractive neighborhoods to captivate Americans and to have a record of the Irish immigration, protecting public health, among others.
Between 1631 and 1890 the city tripled its physical size because of the lands reclaimed to the sea through the process of wetland fillings, ponds and swamps between the docks along the coastal line. Boston was transformed from a small, economically inactive town in 1780 to a busy cosmopolitan center and seaport, one of the world's richest international exchange ports.