bis* until, to, by
durch through, by
entlang along, down
Note: The accusative preposition entlang usually goes after its object.
für for
gegen against, for
ohne without
um around, for, at (time)
*Note: The German preposition bis is technically an accusative preposition, but it is almost always used with a second preposition (bis zu, bis auf) in a different case, or without an article (bis April, bis Montag, bis Bonn).
Two-Way Prepositions
The meaning of a two-way preposition often changes based on whether it is used with the accusative or dative case. See below for the grammar rules.
Deutsch Englisch
an at, on, to
auf at, to, on, upon
hinter behind
neben beside, near, next to
über about, above, across, over
unter under, among
vor in front of, before,
ago (time)
zwischen between