Answer: The formatting of 'Of Plymouth Plantation' is important because:
It provides an in-depth first-hand account of their lives and provides accurate information of this moment in history.
The book is an historical non fiction work that describes the life in a Plymouth colony, written in first person by William Bradord, in his own handwriting. The author appears in the story as a narrator and also as a character, and the events take place from 1608 to 1650. The work is thought to be a journal, because the story is told as a description of past events and it is even incomplete due to the author's death. Therefore, the journal was written accurately from Bradford's point of view of his own experiences in that particular time of history. Moreover, it is not the format which aids comprehension, it is because author begins his story telling the reader that he will use a 'plain style' to describe the events, and telling the truth in a way that ill be easy to read for nomal people, in opposition to most texts written in the 1600's.