we can check divisibility of 315
Divisibility by 2:
We can see that last digit of 315 is 5
and it is not multiple of 2
so, it is not divisble by 2
Divisibility by 3:
We will all digits
and we know that 9 is divisible by 3
so, 315 is divisible by 3
Divisibility by 5:
We can see that last digit of 315 is 5
and it is multiple of 5
so, it is divisble by 5
Divisibility by 7:
take frst two digit without last digit
is 31
subtract last digit times 2
difference is 31-10=21
since, 21 is divisible 7
so, 315 is divisible by 7
Divisibility by 11:
digits at odd numbers are 1
digits at even numbers are 5,3
since, 7 is not multiple of 11
so, 315 is not divisible by 11