1. The largest known impact crater in Canada (and the second-largest on Earth) is found near Sudbury, Ontario. Known as the Sudbury Basin, the crater is 130 km in diameter. It is believed that the impact of a 10 km meteorite created the Sudbury Basin in just seconds about 1.85 million years ago.
2.Our pingos are bigger than yours. The Northwest Territories’ Mackenzie Delta region is home to the world’s greatest concentration of pingos (some 1,350) and the largest. A pingo is an ice-cored hill, usually conically shaped, that grows only in permafrost. They’re formed when water freezing under the surface is forced up by pressure, and they range from a few metres to several tens of metres high.
3. There are millions of lakes in Canada, so it’s hardly surprising that our nation has more lake area than any other country. They’re often big, too, with 563 lakes larger than 100 square km.