1. (in order after the given answer), D#, E#, G#, A#, C#, F#, G#, B#, A#
2. draw bass clef sign first, quarter notes (filled in circles)
- F# = fourth line, stem downward
- A# = fifth line, stem downward OR first space, stem upward
- E# = third space, stem downward
- C# = second space, stem upward
- G# = first line, stem upward OR fourth space, stem downward
- B# = second line, stem upward
- D# = third line, stem downward
3. draw treble clef sign, half notes are open circles
- D# = fourth line, stem downward
- B# = third line, stem downward,
- G# = second line, stem upward
- C# = third space, stem downward
- E# = first line, stem upward OR fourth space, stem downward
- A# = second space, stem upward
- F# = first space, stem upward OR fifth line, stem downward
* for 2 & 3, make sure the write the # before the notehead
** picture attached is for line/space number reference