4 votes
List several (at least 5) different contraceptive measures. Write one sentence after each contraceptive method to include who might choose this method of contraception and why. Of all the different contraceptive measures, which is appropriate for anyone at any age and is unquestionably and immediately the most effective (guaranteed to work 100% of the time)?

2 Answers

4 votes

Hello!! A few of different contraceptives include IUDs, hormonal contraception such as the pill or the injection, barrier methods, emergency contraceptive pill, fertility awareness, and a permanent contraception. For the IUDs/implant, they last for five to ten years and are around 99% effective. For the hormonal contraception, you take the pill once a day or have the injection done, both are more than 99% effective. Barrier methods help prevent a woman getting pregnant and protect against STIs or STDs. ECPs are in place to take up to after three days after unprotected sex, they are up to 98% effective, whereas the copper IUD is up to 99% effective. Fertility awareness helps you decide when to and when not to have sex so you avoid an unwanted pregnancy. Finally, a permanent contraception helps you not worry about getting pregnant as much because your internal organs have been fixed. The only appropriate for anyone at any age and immediately most effective would be abstinence because you do not have to ever worry if you are pregnant, since you have not had sex. I hope I have helped you!! Have a great day.

User Bertucho
6.6k points
5 votes


  • IUD
  • Hormonal contraception
  • Barrier methods (condoms)
  • Emergency contraception
  • Fertility awareness

Step-by-step explanation:


It is most commonly named as coil. It is small, often T shaped birth control device that is inserted into woman's uterus to prevent pregnancy.

Hormonal contraception:

Hormonal contraception includes

  • birth control pills
  • viginal ring
  • contraceptive coils.

all these are used by woman.

Barrier methods:

The most common forms of barrier contraction are

  • condoms (male and female)
  • diaphragm
  • cervical cap and
  • contraceptive sponge.

They provide a physical barrier between the sperm and the egg.

Emergency Contraception:

They are birth control measures that may be used after sexual relationship. It includes :

  • Copper T IUD
  • Ella
  • Plan B/ next choice
  • Yuzpe method

Fertility awareness Method:

Fertility method is a method of birth control that does not use any drugs or devices. It combines:

  • Calendar/ rhythm method
  • the Basel body temperature method and
  • cervical mucus method

Birth control methods includes the age groups are divided as follows:

Hormonal method, particularly the combined oral contraceptive pills are a viable choice for young women from menarche age to 35.

None of these are 100 percent guaranteed however condoms are the most effective birth control method as IUD.

User DotPi
6.4k points