- Hormonal contraception
- Barrier methods (condoms)
- Emergency contraception
- Fertility awareness
Step-by-step explanation:
It is most commonly named as coil. It is small, often T shaped birth control device that is inserted into woman's uterus to prevent pregnancy.
Hormonal contraception:
Hormonal contraception includes
- birth control pills
- viginal ring
- contraceptive coils.
all these are used by woman.
Barrier methods:
The most common forms of barrier contraction are
- condoms (male and female)
- diaphragm
- cervical cap and
- contraceptive sponge.
They provide a physical barrier between the sperm and the egg.
Emergency Contraception:
They are birth control measures that may be used after sexual relationship. It includes :
- Copper T IUD
- Ella
- Plan B/ next choice
- Yuzpe method
Fertility awareness Method:
Fertility method is a method of birth control that does not use any drugs or devices. It combines:
- Calendar/ rhythm method
- the Basel body temperature method and
- cervical mucus method
Birth control methods includes the age groups are divided as follows:
Hormonal method, particularly the combined oral contraceptive pills are a viable choice for young women from menarche age to 35.
None of these are 100 percent guaranteed however condoms are the most effective birth control method as IUD.