Answer 1
Vitamins are oligo-elements that cannot be synthesized by humans, so it is important to have a daily intake of these molecules.
Vitamin B9 and b12 are important for cells division, especially to prevent anemia or even pancytopenia.
Vitamin D is important to increase calcium and phosphate absorption and to maintain the bones healthy.
Answer 2
Taking a high dose of a single mineral is dangerous because it has side effects when there's an excess of this mineral. For example, iron excessive intake may cause hemochromatosis, due to its presence on the unbound form (not bond to the transferrin or stored as ferritin) and its oxidative property, it can damage the DNA and cause mutations that can lead to cancers.
Answer 3
The list of consequence in hypocalcemia is:
Muscle cramps.
Tingling (paresthesia) in the ends of the fingers.
Convulsions in children.
Respiratory problems with shortness of breath (dyspnea).
Cramps in the abdomen.
A headache.
Modification of the electrocardiogram with, on the trace, lengthening of the QT space.
Answer 4
1500 calories a day is the minimum energy required for the living (without a physical activity) it represents the basal metabolism. Water intake is also important and should be around 1.5 Liter per day (it could be more on hot days, or in special indications like in renal failure).
Answer 5The mineral which is important to maintain healthy bones and teeth is vitamin D.
Vitamin D is involved in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. It plays a vital role in the mineralization of bones. To be used by the body, vitamin D needs the action of the ultraviolet rays of the sun. It is indeed modified at the level of the skin by the UV. A minimum of sun exposure is necessary.
Answer 6
Water-soluble vitamins are, by definition, soluble in water and are not stored in the body. Water-soluble vitamins include vitamin C and group B vitamins (B1 to B12).
Fat-soluble vitamins are soluble in fats, and the body can put them in reserve. This group includes vitamins A, D, E and K.
Answer 7
Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is involved in major functions of the body: defense against viral and bacterial infections, protection of the wall of blood vessels, iron absorption, antioxidant action (capture of free radicals), detoxification of carcinogens, healing.
In fact, vitamin B is to put in the plural. It is a large family comprising 8 vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9 and B12). Although having their own attributions, they act more or less in synergy with each other.
The benefits of the vitamin B are:
Increased metabolism by allowing the assimilation and use of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids.
Improved cell growth
Improved nervous system function, helps fight the symptoms caused by excessive stress.
Also improves the functioning of the immune system.
Maintaining healthy skin
Answer 8
While malnutrition remains the major problem, over-nutrition also becomes a threat as it leads to chronic metabolic and endocrine diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, gout, hyperlipemia leading to myocardial infarction and stroke.
Answer 9
Soymilk, rice milk, tofu, and milk alternatives are placed in the vegetarian food product (vegan food group, which alternatives to "animal" food).
soymilk and tofu are unfermented soy products.
Rice milk is one of those plant milk that can be an alternative to cow's milk.
Answer 10
The food group is nuts and legumes.
These are good sources of fiber, minerals, and vitamins.
Soy is commonly used in Asian Asian cuisine. in its different forms, such as tofu and soy milk. associated with nuts and seeds are often used in soups, noodles, salads.
Answer 11
Food shortage situation for a shorter or longer period, which can compromise the health or even the life of the human being; pathological state that results.
Undernutrition (state resulting from undernutrition) can have effects up to death:
hypoglycemia, especially with dizziness and weakness (asthenia);
loss of body weight ("weight"), weight loss;
dehydration (insufficient water supply);