The first step solving this problem would be to convert the whole number into a fraction. To do that we simply put a 1 in the denominators place.
Original Equation :![3](https://img.qammunity.org/2019/formulas/mathematics/high-school/hbbf7ptcvkzqpizk1mcsdbejc8kcre7ia9.png)
New Equation {Whole Number to Fraction} :![(3)/(1)](https://img.qammunity.org/2019/formulas/mathematics/middle-school/xe7fk9x6we5fv0t3zg6cmn84bczm2soanx.png)
Next, we'd multiply the fractions straight across.
New Equation :
Solution {New Equation Solved} :![(9)/(4)](https://img.qammunity.org/2019/formulas/mathematics/middle-school/gqlt8099859ldq6rn1daal5tc4j56yq1ug.png)
Some teachers or instructors dislike it when fractions are not in simplest for so we'll now convert it.
Fraction to Mixed Fraction :
So, this means that 3 times 3 over 4 is ![2 (1)/(4)](https://img.qammunity.org/2019/formulas/mathematics/middle-school/2l6unuqz4578zo0ihtyqd4lwultjf8jsmr.png)
Hope this helps!
- Lindsey Frazier ♥