The propositions are:
A. Cystic fibrosis
B. Diabetes
C. Hemophilia
D. Leukemia
The right answer is C
Hemophilia is a constitutional abnormality of blood coagulation related to a deficiency of one of the coagulation factors. However, a third of cases, hemophilia is caused by a de novo mutation. These defects are due to a deficiency of one of the following factors: XI, IX or VIII, or the presence of anticoagulants against any of these factors.
The clinical manifestations of the disease are proportional to the deficiency of the coagulation factor. Clinical manifestations correspond to hemorrhages that can reach each organ, particularly the joints (hemarthrosis) and the muscles (hematomas). The disease can be severe with manifestations from the first year of life, or mild with very few manifestations.
TREATMENT:The current treatments do not cure hemophilia but they consist of the intravenous administration of Factor VIII or Factor IX allowing to obtain a coagulating activity sufficient to stop, or even prevent, hemorrhage.