Tom might have won the case had race not been an issue.
Step-by-step explanation:
In Harper Lee's "To Kill A Mockingbird", the story revolves around the lives of the town of Maycomb, strife with the Tom Robinson case. Tom was a colored man accused of ra p ing a white girl, though there was no proof or evidence. But none of that matters for the people to judge him were all white and he was a black man among the whites.
In the time of racial discrimination still somehow prevalent, Tom's case brought into the fore the various injustices that occurred even in the judicial systems. Atticus admitted that the men in the jury knew Tom was innocent and they were reasonable about it. But at the same time, they also knew and are conscious of the race issue which led to their altered decision to convict Tom based on his skin color. So, Atticus told Jem and Scout that Tom had the chance of winning the case had there been no issue with his race. He pointed out that 'race' came between them and their reason, which made them blind about the real truth and be dictated by their prejudicial opinions.