*If you have these questions on your Quiz then here are the answers*
Q: How is humidity related to air pressure?
A: Humid air is lighter, so it has lower pressure.
Water molecules weigh less than oxygen and nitrogen molecules, so water vapor makes air lighter.
Q: High-and-low pressure areas leading to air movement happen when there are differences in which factor?
A: density
when air is thicker, there is more pressure.
Q: In general, in which direction does wind blow?
A: horizontally
Think about how wind comes at you. you have to go with it or against it.
Q: what is the relationship between changes in air pressure and wind speeds?
A: when a high-and a low-pressure air mass are far apart, air moves slowly from high to low pressure.
the steeper the air pressure gradient, the faster the winds.
Q: The curved movement of air or water is the result of which of these?
A: the rotation of Earth on its axis.
The Coriolis effect would be different if the length of a day was something other than 24 hours.
Hope this helps ^.^ !!!!