1. The cotton gin affected slavery in the United States by increasing a demand in slaves to keep up with amount of cotton that the gin could pick.
2. The Underground Railroad was a secret underground network used by slaves to get to the North so they could be free. Harriet Tubman, whom was a conductor, guided slaves guided slaves on a risky journey so they could be free. A conductor is a person who guides other people on a risky journey. Lines are the several routes used in the Underground Railroad. The station would be the destination of freedom in which the slaves were traveling to, and the freight(aka cargo)would be the fugitive slaves that escaped from their owners to be free.
3. William Lloyd Garrison was a abolitionist that created and published a newspaper called "The Liberator" which was used to spread his opinion on anti-slavery, and to convince others to become abolitionists. Reverend Lovejoy was abolitionist that published anti-slavery articles in articles during slavery times, which then led to him creating a newspaper called "The Alton Observer". Frederick Douglass, who went went from being a slave to a free man who was literate and could write, wrote several writing pieces and speeches on antislavery, became the leader of many abolitionist movements.
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