The answers are Tubercle and keeping the body balance over the feet, the hability of standing, avoid the body to fall, ankle plantarreflexion and foot evertion
Step-by-step explanation:
The peroneus brevis muscle is located on the lateral side of the leg and it is a fusiform, and, short muscle, that becomes a tendon and passes behind the lateral malleolus. The tendon is inside a synovial sheath. It passes foward and downward into a groove above the peroneal tubercle on the calcaneous. The distal attachment of the peroneus brevis is the tubercle on the lateral side of the base of the first metatarsal. The mechanism is responsible for foot evertion, ankle plantarreflexion, because the tendon's position, which pulls the foot in that direction. The advantange is that this mechanism garantees important functions such as stops a sideway sway when a person is standing, controlling the body from falling to the opposite side when standing on one leg (keeps the body balanced)
Controlling the position of the foot and stopping the foot from being inverted . Sometimes the foot can over invert causing weight to be applied to the lateral surface of the foot.