Step-by-step explanation:
In the first step of Krebs cycle, pyruvate dehydrogenase condenses with oxalocyclate , a 4 carbon coumpound. It forms citrate with removal of CoA.. Citrate thus formed has 3 carboxylic acid group and hence this cycle is called TCA cycle or Tricarboxylic acid cycle
In reaction 2, This citrate thus formed undergoes isomerization to form isocitrate. The enzyme used here is called aconitase because this isomerization happens with cis-aconitate as the intermediate.
Further, in reaction 3, CO2 is eliminated to form \alpha -ketoglutarate which is a 5 carbon carboxylic acid. Here, oxidation occurs by electron transfer to NAD+which is converted to NADH
Final Answer:
First paragraph: Oxalocyclate, Citrate, Tricarboxylic acid
Second Paragraph: Isomerization, isocitrate, intermediate,
Third paragraph: \alpha-ketoglutarate, NAD+