A number of restrictions were imposed on Jewish people of Sighet.
Step-by-step explanation:
During 19th and 20th centuries, “Sighet” was part of Hungary. But it became a part of Romania after 'World War I'. And again, a part of “Hungary” after World War II.
“Holocaust” was a persecution of around "6 million" Jews in Sighet. Before the surviving Jews were sent to ghettos, many restrictions were forced on them.
Jewish had to wear a "yellow" star. Curfew was imposed and they could not go out of their homes for three days or they would face death. Also, they were not even allowed keep any 'gold', jewelry or any 'valuables' at home. Cafes or shops had been prevented from entering. They were prevented from taking trains and were unable to attend religious ceremonies. By 6, they must have been at home.
The Fascist Party gained control of Germany, subjecting the Jewish people of Sighet to Nazi assaults.