1. Esta mañana Cristina se despertó enferma.
2. Le duele todo el cuerpo y no puede levantarse de la cama.
3. Cree que es la gripe y va a tener que llamar a la clínica de la universidad.
4. Cristina no quiere perder otro día de clase, pero no puede ir porque está muy mareada.
5. Su compañera de cuarto va a escribirle un mensaje electrónico a la profesora Crespo porque hoy tienen un examen en su clase.
Step-by-step explanation:
In this exercise you have to complete the blanks according to what you hear in the audio.
In English would be something like this:
1. This morning Cristina woke up sick.
2. His whole body hurts him and he can't get up from the bed.
3. He believes that it is the flu and he is going to have to call the University Clinic.
4. Cristina doesn't want to miss another day of class, but she can't go because she is very sick.
5. Her roommate is going to write an e-mail to Professor Crespo because today they have an exam in his class.