1. Do you consider shopping a hobby? explain
Yes this would be a hobby. because not everybody likes to shop. And usually when someone says there going shopping they mean that they tend to spend a lot of money, on stuff they don't really need. Like me lol I love shopping, it something I do to pass the time and just to get away from home for a little bit. Someone people say fishing is there hobby, this wold be because they like it and because its an escape, helps them relax, and some even say it is therapeutic.
2. Do you consider spending time with your friends a hobby? explain
No??? I would't because your friend might not consider it a hobby, if that makes since. it really doesn't but in my head it does. I don't know what you would call this, I guess it would depend on how often you hanging out e=with your friends, and if it is the same group of people. I guess if its the same group hanging out it would be a hobby. i don't know
3. Do you consider traveling a hobby? explain
Yes someone people make a bucket item to travel the world. people will travel the world because that is what they love to do. It gives them an adrenal-en rush to be in a new part of the earth. To see what the culture is about and what new items they can find.