How did the Nicaraguan Revolution re-define the parameters of art?
Before 1979 literature in Nicaragua was minimal, but after overthrowing the dictatorship in Nicaragua, a period of development in revolutionary art and writings began, which sought new social relationships that would transform people through art.
Step-by-step explanation:
In Nicaragua, after the revolution, the workshops of writers and painters were born, which expired in their experiences of the struggle they lived. In addition, a massive literacy project was carried out where many had the opportunity to access reading and writing. Therefore, written or visual art could reach all people who did not have access to their illiteracy.
Two large projects were promoted for the Nicaraguan people to participate in the development of art, one was the workshops of popular literature, and the other was the poetry workshop; this reached a more significant impact. These projects helped to ensure that sectors of the population that were not involved before were the main assistants, for example, homemakers, peasants, and youth.
What were some of the innovations that supported the renewed focus on folk art and poetry?
The innovations that emerged after the Nicaraguan revolution and that renewed popular art and poetry are:
- The primitivist painting
- Changes in metrics and poetic style
- The postmodernist movement
Step-by-step explanation:
After the revolution, several innovations in popular art and poetry can be identified, such as the creation of the contemplative community by Ernesto Cardenal, where the primitivist painting school started.
So Nicaragua was where many women were the pioneers for painting Primitivist Among the pioneer women are Yelba Ubau, June beer, Olivia Silva and Martina Ortega, they took everyday things as inspiration to portray.
Regarding poetry, Rubén Darío's contributions are identified, which helped to incorporate a metric and a poetic style, for which he was considered the "father of modernism." This was of importance for other Nicaraguan poets to create the postmodernist movement.
I hope this information can help you.