La corrida que conocemos hoy en día se desarrolló en España en el siglo XVIII.
En la actualidad, los aficionados a los toros consideran que el toreo es un deporte.
En Argentina y Chile, sólo se permite la corrida sin sangre.
Gracias a la decisión del Parlamento catalán, Cataluña prohibió el toreo en 2010.
La interjección ¡olé! es pronunciada por el público para protestar contra la crueldad del toreo.
El toreo es ilegal en Cuba y Uruguay.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Corrida de Toros we know today was developed in Spain in the 18th century.
The Corrida de Toros we know today was developed in Spain in the 18th century.true
The Corrida de Toros we know today was developed in Spain in the 18th century.trueAt present, bullfighters consider bullfighting a sport.
The Corrida de Toros we know today was developed in Spain in the 18th century.trueAt present, bullfighters consider bullfighting a sport.false
The Corrida de Toros we know today was developed in Spain in the 18th century.trueAt present, bullfighters consider bullfighting a sport.falseIn Argentina and Chile, only the Corrida de Toros without blood is allowed.
The Corrida de Toros we know today was developed in Spain in the 18th century.trueAt present, bullfighters consider bullfighting a sport.falseIn Argentina and Chile, only the Corrida de Toros without blood is allowed.false
The Corrida de Toros we know today was developed in Spain in the 18th century.trueAt present, bullfighters consider bullfighting a sport.falseIn Argentina and Chile, only the Corrida de Toros without blood is allowed.falseThanks to the decision of Catalan Parliament, Catalonia banned bullfighting in 2010.
The Corrida de Toros we know today was developed in Spain in the 18th century.trueAt present, bullfighters consider bullfighting a sport.falseIn Argentina and Chile, only the Corrida de Toros without blood is allowed.falseThanks to the decision of Catalan Parliament, Catalonia banned bullfighting in 2010.true
The Corrida de Toros we know today was developed in Spain in the 18th century.trueAt present, bullfighters consider bullfighting a sport.falseIn Argentina and Chile, only the Corrida de Toros without blood is allowed.falseThanks to the decision of Catalan Parliament, Catalonia banned bullfighting in 2010.trueThe interjection, olé! It is pronounced by the public to protest against the cruelty of bullfighting.
The Corrida de Toros we know today was developed in Spain in the 18th century.trueAt present, bullfighters consider bullfighting a sport.falseIn Argentina and Chile, only the Corrida de Toros without blood is allowed.falseThanks to the decision of Catalan Parliament, Catalonia banned bullfighting in 2010.trueThe interjection, olé! It is pronounced by the public to protest against the cruelty of bullfighting.false
The Corrida de Toros we know today was developed in Spain in the 18th century.trueAt present, bullfighters consider bullfighting a sport.falseIn Argentina and Chile, only the Corrida de Toros without blood is allowed.falseThanks to the decision of Catalan Parliament, Catalonia banned bullfighting in 2010.trueThe interjection, olé! It is pronounced by the public to protest against the cruelty of bullfighting.falseBullfighting is illegal in Cuba and Uruguay.
The Corrida de Toros we know today was developed in Spain in the 18th century.trueAt present, bullfighters consider bullfighting a sport.falseIn Argentina and Chile, only the Corrida de Toros without blood is allowed.falseThanks to the decision of Catalan Parliament, Catalonia banned bullfighting in 2010.trueThe interjection, olé! It is pronounced by the public to protest against the cruelty of bullfighting.falseBullfighting is illegal in Cuba and Uruguay.true