Three questions there, let me try to organize them.
a) Cite five factors that lead to scatter in measured material properties.
- Material inhomogeneities and/or compositional differences.
- Variation in specimen fabrication procedure
- Test method
- Apparatus calibration
- Operator bias
b) Upon what three criteria are factors of safety based?
- Accuracy of measurement of mechanical forces and/or material properties
- consequences of failure
- Previous experience
A large tower is to be supported by a series of steel wires. It is estimated the load on each wire will be 15,000 N. Determine the minimum equired wire diameter, assuming a factor of safety = 2.0 and a yield strength of 800 MPa (125,000 psi) for the steel. Reflect by commenting on the meaning of your answer.

Working stress
Allowable working unit stress
N= Factor of safety
Given the information we have,

Diameter and force are related by,