The teo complete Present-Tense sentences are:
- Me levanto a las 5:30 a.m.
- Me cepillo los dientes dos veces frente al espejo y después me enjuago.
Step-by-step explanation:
The translation of the sentence is:
- I wake up at 5:30 AM.
- I brush my teeth twice in front of the mirror and then I use mouthwash.
The requirements are met in the written sentences, as I explain below:
- Reflective verbs are executed on the same person who performs them, which is why the object pronoun "me" is used in both sentences.
- The detail that is located in the first sentence is the time at which I get up and the detail of the second sentence is in front of what I brush and what I do next.
- The two sentences correspond to a person's daily routine.