1. Cardiorespiratory Endurance
2. Muscular Endurance
3.Muscular Strength
4. Flexibility
5.Body Composition
Step-by-step explanation:
There are five health-related fitness components: flexibility, cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, and body composition.
Cardiorespiratory Endurance refers to the ability of the heart, the blood vessels, and the lungs to dispense oxygen and nutrients to the body's cells during physical activities.
Muscular Endurance refers to the muscles' ability to keep contracting through physical activity.
Muscular Strength refers to the amount of strength a muscle can use in a contraction.
Flexibility refers to the joints' ability to stretch through their full range of motion.
Body Composition refers to the ratio of body fats, bone water, and muscles.