a) 3, 1, 4, 5, 7, 6, 8, 2
Step-by-step explanation:
3. Have an interest in fashion
This is the most important thing because you are going to do what you like to do.
1. Gain some business knowledge
It is important to gain knowledge in the area you want to work.
4. Become an intern
This allows you to work with people that knows the fashion world and to gain experience.
5. Go to a design school
One of the most important things to do to work in an area is to study and gain knowledge about it.
7. Build a portfolio of designs
This is the way for other people to know your work.
6. Get a job as a designer’s assistant
Gain more experience, now as a professional.
8. Open your own store with your designs
Once you have acquired experience and knowledge you are ready to have your own store.
2. Have a runway show
This step to give the others the opportunity to buy your designs.