1) empatar
2) circo
3) árbitro
4) boliche
5) entrenador
6) zoológico
7) campeón
8) cine
9) empate
10) espectador
11) GUILLERMO No puedo creer que vayamos al concierto de Clandestinos. Es mi grupo musical favorito.
CARMEN A mí me encanta Fernando García, el cantante. ¿Tienes su último álbum?
GUILLERMO ¡Qué pregunta! Tengo todos sus discos compactos. Carmen, gracias por comprar los boletos por Internet, comprarlos en la taquilla hubiera sido imposible.
CARMEN De nada. Nos vamos a divertir mucho. Los conciertos de Clandestinos son un verdadero espectáculo.
GUILLERMO Sí, ellos saben muy bien cómo entretener a su audiencia.
Step-by-step explanation:
Questions 1 to 4: We have to choose the word that is not related
1. tie; to make a toast; celebrate; celebrate
2. coach; team; circus; tournament
3. singer; concert; band; referee
4. premiere; screen; ticket office; bowling
Questions 5 to 10: We have to find the word that matches the definition
5. person who teaches a sport: coach
6. park where you can see animals: zoo
7. athlete who wins a tournament: winner
8. place where you watch movies: cinema
9. when no team wins during a match: draw
10. person watching a show: spectator
Question 11: We have to complete the text with the given words.
GUILLERMO I can't believe we go to the Clandestinos concert. It is my favorite musical group.
CARMEN I love Fernando García, the singer. Do you have your last album?
GUILLERMO What a question! I have all your compact discs. Carmen, thanks for buying the tickets online, buying them at the ticket office would have been impossible.
CARMEN You're welcome. We'll have so much fun. Clandestinos concerts are a real show.
GUILLERMO Yes, they know very well how to entertain your audience.