Answer: According to the cybersecutity (data protection) here is the best solution for cooperation between countries that can be used :
Information and communication technologies are part of our daily lives. Cyberspace has blurred borders, making its users partakers of a globalization that fosters new opportunities, but also new challenges, risks and threats. The opportunities and risks of technological globalization make it necessary to resort to international cooperation to achieve a safe and reliable cyberspace.
One of the options could be the creation of a network of cooperation in cybersecurity among the countries(blog) , the purpose of this network is to create a place for specialists in the field of different countries to share the best practices and to facilitate cooperation between members, and the socialization of experiences in order to standardize strength against cyber threats.
It could also be the creation of a computer security scheme to be the culture of users and to give courses and information to specialists about the risks they face and how to solve them in a standardized way. With the incorporation of contributions from all countries they can generate a list that will let everyone know the most common issues and the bests solutions for each one .
With regard to data protection, countries should provide each other with particular assistance through notification, claim submission, assistance in investigations and information exchange, subject to adequate guarantees for the protection of personal and other data.
The ultimate goal is to implement a constant and effective flow of cybersecurity information that allows country specialists act as a single team.