Here's what I get
Step-by-step explanation:
The latest data on American water consumption are from 2015, provided by the USGS (United States Geological Survey)
Data (per day):

Note: Individual measurements are good only to three significant figures. I used trailing zeros as padding for decimal alignment.
The US population in 2015 was 325.0 million.
(1) Daily domestic water use

(2) Daily US freshwater use

(3) Implications
The total volume of water on Earth is 1.386 × 10⁹ km³ (1.386 × 10²¹ L).

Theoretically, if the world used fresh water at the same rate as the United States, the supply of fresh water would vanish in just over a decade.
Of course, this won't happen. The used water goes into rivers and into the oceans, where it evaporates and returns to the surface via the hydrologic cycle.
There will be little impact on the global hydrologic cycle.
However, the water that evaporates may return to the surface far from its source. There will be a significant impact to local hydrologic cycles as lakes and aquifers dry up because water is being used faster than it can be replenished.