1. Un bañador. 2. Un paraguas. 3. Unas gafas oscuras. 4. Unos zapatos tennis. 5. "Centro comercial". 6. Tarjeta de crédito.
Step-by-step explanation:
1. To swim in the pool I need a swimming suit, a "bañador", or "traje de baño". 2. If it is raining a lot in order to protect myself I need an umbrella or "paraguas".
3. To protect my eyes and see well in a sunny day I need sunglasses or "gafas oscuras".
4. In order to jog in the park I need tennis shoes or "zapatos tennis".
5. In order to go into many different stores we need to go to the mall or "centro comercial"
6. If you have no cash you need to pay with your credit card or "tarjeta de crédito".