Step-by-step explanation:
Dear Aunt Judith
How are you? I'm writing this letter to tell you that I loved what you sent to me for my birthday. I was not expecting a gift from you, since you have moved to Australia. To be honest, it is the very first time in my life that somebody gives me a living spider as a gift. I'm glad to know that you didn't forget that I love Spider-Man, that's a very sweet way of letting me know that you still remember what I liked to play when I was a child.
i wonder how did they manage to take that tarantula into the plane and let it travel along without hurting her. I have to inform you that she is really happy in the place I gave her. She has two rocks into which she likes to rest and a large branch where she can climb and play. I also gave her some insects to eat and some water for her to drink and wash the tip of her small legs. She likes to climb the branch and feel the fresh breeze upon her eight beautiful small eyes.
Her name is Charlotte. I named her after Charlotte Bronte, because she is your favourite author. I liked the idea of giving her that name in order to have something that reminds me of you. I remember when you used to read Jane Eyre to me when I was a child. That Mr. Rochester was such a vile character, I have never liked him. I think I had an interesting childhood due to Spider-Man movies and youreverlasting stories, which also taught me some important values such as reliability and love for freedom.
I feel really curious about Australia. I want to know if it's really as they show it in TV shows. As far as I know, there in Australiayou have a great amount of different species, bizarre animals with strange colours and characteristics that we have never seen here, even in the zoo. One good day I will have enough money and I will be able to afford a ticket to go there and visit you. I would like to know if you can see colorful snakes, birds and lizards while you are taking your dog for a walk.
Here we are OK, although my sister isn't so happy about having to share our house with Charlotte, but I think she will get used to her presence. Sniffles, the cat, doesn't have any problems with her. The only interaction he has with Charlotte is when he passes by his tank and looks at her, but as long as they don't bother each other' I think they should be able to coexist happily, or at least, without hurting each other.
I hope to see you soon. Best regards.