Explanation: agrarian a word that is used to describe societies that are built around agriculture
Anatolia home to the Hittite civilization, located in present-day Turkey on the peninsula of Asia Minor
Asia Minor a peninsula that is surrounded by the Black Sea, Aegean Sea, and Mediterranean Sea
bitumen a sticky, tarlike substance
bronze a metal made of 60% copper and 40% tin
casting a method in which a liquid substance is poured into a mold and sets until it has hardened
cognates words that have come from a single ancestral language
Crete A Greek island located in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
dynasty a family that holds power for a long period of time
embalm to preserve a body using chemicals
environment all of the factors influencing plant and animal life such as climate, temperature, light, and food
Eurasia refers to the combined lands of Europe and Asia
Fertile Crescent an area of land shaped like a crescent moon that extends from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea
fresco a painting done on the wet plaster of a wall or ceiling
Ganges River a river in northwest India
geography the physical characteristics of a region
hieroglyphs symbols used to represent sounds
Huang He River river which flows through north-central China and empties into the Yellow Sea, also known as the Yellow River
Indo-Europeans people who lived in north-central Europe and migrated across Eurasia around 3000 B.C.
Indo-Gangetic plain plains region bordered by the Ganges River in India
Indus Valley an area of land that is located along the Indus River in present-day Pakistan and India
iron a metal that is extracted from ore
irrigation the channeling of water to fields to help crops grow
Knossos the capital city of the Minoan civilization
Mesopotamia an area of land located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in the present-day Middle East
Middle Kingdom a period in ancient Egyptian history lasting from 2050 to 1800 B.C. and marked by episodes of disunity and invasion
migration movement from one place to another
Minoans the people of an ancient civilization on the island of Crete
New Kingdom a period in ancient Egyptian history lasting from 1550 to 1100 B.C. and marked by territorial expansion
Nile Valley an area of land located along the Nile River in present-day Egypt
nomadic pastoral a type of lifestyle in which herders raise livestock and move from place to place in search of new pasture
Old Kingdom a period in ancient Egyptian history lasting from 2700 to 2200 B.C. and marked by the construction of pyramids
oracle bones bones inscribed by Chinese priests that were used to predict the future
papyrus a material made from a plant found in the Nile Valley that was written on like paper
pastoral a lifestyle consisting of herding and keeping flocks of animals
pasture grasslands that provide food for grazing animals
pharaoh an ancient Egyptian ruler
Proto-Indo-European languages a family of related languages
pyramid an ancient Egyptian tomb
Shang Dynasty a Chinese dynasty lasting from about 1750 to 1100 B.C.
sickle a curve-shaped blade that is used to harvest food crops
silt a rich soil that is deposited by a river
specialize to focus on a particular field or activity
The Iliad an epic poem written by Homer which tells the story of the Trojan War
Trojan War war fought over the city of Troy around 1250 B.C.; ends with the sack of Troy by the Greeks
Troy an ancient city located in present-day Turkey on the coast of Asia Minor
urban a word that is used to describe a city or life in a city
Vedas a collection of prayers and rituals that acts as the main text of Hinduism
Vedic civilization Aryan society and culture lasting from 1500 to 500 B.C.