A coming of age story:
A coming of age story is a story tracing the growth of the protagonist from childhood to adulthood. It incorporates the trials and tribulations the character undergoes in the process of attaining maturity.
The ‘coming of age’ genre in literature is also sometimes referred to as the ‘Bildungsroman’ which translates into a novel describing the process of maturation, both morally and psychologically.
I recently read ‘Great Expectations’, a novel by Charles Dickens, an English Writer.
The novel is a masterpiece as it beautifully relates the story of Pip, an orphan, living with his rude sister but kind brother-in-law Joe Gargery. The story depicts the growth of Pip, who is suddenly bestowed with fortune when an escaped and hungry convict whom he had given some food to eat becomes his anonymous benefactor sending him to London. There Pip in the process of acquiring elite manners becomes pretentious and even does not respect Joe Gargery who pays him a visit as he loves him a lot.
The story is a journey of Pip’s hardships involving his heartbreak due to an unresponsive Estella, his encounters with Miss Havisham who enjoys the coldness of Estella towards Pip and his discovering his benefactor Abel Magwitch and ultimately his realization that Joe Gargery was a gentleman who nursed him back to health when he was sick. He also is seen acting as a mature person helping Abel Magwitch to escape from England and not accepting his financial aid any more. He can be seen helping Miss Havisham, saving her from a fire despite knowing about her selfish intentions regarding him and Estella.
The novel not only relates Pip’s Growth but also describes the growth of Estella from a cold-hearted, unresponsive girl who does not respond to Pip’s advances to later on asks for Pip’s forgiveness and accept her.
Thus, it really is a ‘coming of age ‘story.