The Pardoner.
Step-by-step explanation:
Chaucer describes the pardoner (someone whose job is to sell official church pardons) as a trickster who deceives people and makes them buy fake relics. This states how Church was already being criticized for tricking people and taking advantage of people's faith in order to get money. Chaucer, then, criticizes Church and pardoners who did not practice what they preached. This happened before the Reformation, led by Martin Luther, which criticized the sell of pardons and stated that Salvation could only be achieved through each person's actions and not through money. This is portrayed in the following quote:
“And thus I preach against the very vice
I make my living out of—avarice. a
And yet however guilty of that sin
Myself, with others I have power to win
Them from it, I can bring them to repent;
But that is not my principal intent." (23-28)