Determine the conduction heat transfer through an air layer held between two 10 mm × 10 mm parallel aluminum plates. The plates are at temperatures Ts,1 = 305 K and Ts, 2 = 295 K, respectively, and the air is at atmospheric pressure. Determine the conduction heat rate for plate spacings of L = 0.8 mm, L = 1.2 μm, and L = 20 nm. Assume a thermal accommodation coefficient of αt = 0.92. For air, the molecular weight is 28.97 kg/kmol and the molecular diameter is 0.372 nm. Determine the conduction heat rate for L= 0.8 mm, in W. q1, Determine the conduction heat rate for L= 1.2 μm, in W q2, and Determine the conduction heat rate for L= 20 nm, in W q3.