The original price is $50.
First, convert the 50% to a real mathematical number. For percents, this is always done by dividing the 50% by 100%, or 50% / 100% = 0.500.
Second, find out what 50% of $50 is. This is the amount of the sale discount. This is always found by multiplying 0.500 by the item's cost $50, like this:
0.500 x $50 = $25.00.
So for this sale, you'll save $25.00 on this item.
This means, the cost of the item to you is
$50 - $25.00 = $25.00.
hopefully my answer helps! ♡
if my answers helped you please tell me, therefore I know.. that I did them correctly or incorrectly. anyways, have a great day/night!