Step-by-step explanation:
Positional argument are argument that is devoid of key = value pair . You can define it as an argument that does not have the equal sign(=).
Functions is a well structured pattern in writing code to execute commands.
For example writing a function in python :
def addition( x, y):
return x + y
addition(3, 5)
The above python function was created with two parameters x and y
if one wants to calls the function you must insert the two required positional argument for the code to run smoothly.
max is a builtin function in python that can accept positional arguments which will return the maximum value . example max(5, 6) will return the highest value.
count is a builtin function that can accept positional argument which will return the counted values . for example
strings = "i am vincent"
strings.count(i, 0, 7) where i indicate the value to count in strings . 0 indicate where to start counting and the 7 indicate where you end your counting.
sum is a builtin function that accept positional argument which will return sum of numbers . The parameters it takes are iterables like list, tuples etc
list = [2, 4, 6, 7, 8]
sum(list) will return the sum of the list
countif is a builtin function that accept two positional argument which are the range and the criterion . for example it takes two positional argument.
countif(range, criterion)