//Program in C.
// header file
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
// main function
int main(void) {
// variables
float x1,y1,x2,y2;
float s,xm,ym,d;
// ask to enter x coordinate of A
printf("Enter coordinate (x) of point A:");
// read x1
// ask to enter y coordinate of A
printf("Enter coordinate (y) of point A:");
// read y1
// ask to enter x coordinate of B
printf("Enter coordinate (x) of point B:");
//read x2
// ask to enter y coordinate of B
printf("Enter coordinate (y) of point B:");
// read y2
// calculate Midpoint of A and B
// calculate slope of the line
// calculate Distance between two points
// print result
printf("Midpoint of both the point is: %f %f",xm,ym);
printf("\\Slope of both the line is: %f",s);
printf("\\Distance between both the point is: %f",d);
return 0;
Step-by-step explanation:
Read the x & y coordinates of both the points.Then calculate the Midpoint of both the and assign it to variables "xm"&"ym".Then calculate the slope of the line and assign it to variable "s".Then find the distance between the two points and assign it to variable "d".Print all these results.
Enter coordinate (x) of point A:2
Enter coordinate (y) of point A:3
Enter coordinate (x) of point B:9
Enter coordinate (y) of point B:8
Midpoint of both the point is: 5.500000 5.500000
Slope of both the line is: 0.714286
Distance between both the point is: 8.602325