The saying ‘jack of all trades, master of none’ is a well-known expression and one that will come to mind for many of us when thinking about the type of person who has many different pursuits, hobbies and interests rather than focusing on any single one in particular.
It is also a saying that seems to have a somewhat negative connotation. The idea here, is that if you’re someone who can’t focus on one thing, then you must presumably be of a short attention span. At the same time, it is presumed that you’ll never develop your skill in any particular one area to a point of mastery. If you don’t devote all your time and energy to just one thing, then you won’t be able to spend adequate tie in any area in order to get really good at it. The jack of all trades is a drifter, and someone who excels in no area…
Or at least that’s the popular assumption. In reality though, being a jack of all trades needn’t be a negative thing and in fact should be encouraged. Read on and we’ll look at why this is actually a smarter and more fulfilling way to be.