b) Statement 1 only
Step-by-step explanation:
The right answer is: b) The Middle Ages cover a period included between the end of the Roman Empire and Renaissance (Modern Age).
The Middle Ages is a historic period that happened during the 5th to 15th centuries. The event that marks its beginning is the fall of the Western Roman Empire.
As all periods of history, the Middle Ages is a consequence to the period before it. Once the Roman Empire fell, power was decentralized and kingdoms emerged all over Europe. This period is also called the "dark ages" because there was a big shift in cultural development influenced by power and religion.
The Middle Ages are divided in three sub-periods: Early Middle Ages, High Middle Ages and Late Middle Ages. During the Late Middle Ages, life began to change again: wars, famine and pandemics stroke, and intellectuals started reacting against the religion impositions. This is how Renaissance emerged.
Renaissance means "reborn", this name represents how mankind turned back to humanism. After centuries of "being in the dark"; classical Greek and Roman philosophy was "reborn". This period was a natural predecesor to the "age of reason", the Enlightenment.