// here is code in c++.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// main function
int main()
// variables
int y_len,y_wid;
int h_len,h_wid;
// read the length and width of yard
cout<<"Enter the legth of yard:";
cout<<"Enter the width of yard:";
// read the length and width of house
cout<<"Enter the legth of house:";
cout<<"Enter the width of house:";
// calculate grass area
int g_area=(y_len*y_wid)-(h_len*h_wid);
// find the time
int t=g_area/2;
// print the time
cout<<"time required to cut the grass is: "<<t<<" seconds."<<endl;
return 0;
Step-by-step explanation:
Read the length and width of the yard. Then read the length and width of house from user.Calculate the area of grass by subtracting the area of house from area of yard.Then divide the area of grass by rate of 2 square feet per second.
Enter the legth of yard:25
Enter the width of yard:20
Enter the legth of house:15
Enter the width of house:12
time required to cut the grass is: 160 seconds.