700 000
Andrew rounded the number 672 726 to the nearest hundred thousand.
Hth TH Th H T O
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
6 7 2 7 2 6
now round the number to nearest hundred thousand.
hundred thousand digit in 672726 is 7
If rounding number is greater than equal to 5 then next number increase by 1.
If rounding number is less than 5 then next number does not change.
here rounding number is 7 > 5
So, next digit 6 change to 7
Rounded number = 700 000
672 726 → 700 000
Andrew did
672 726 → 672 000
Mistake: Rounded to thousand instead of hundred thousand
Correct rounded number = 700 000