1. According to the reports of United Nation, the world's population is expected to reach about 9.8 billion in 2050. Increase in population will lead to increase in demand of food, shelter etc. that will cause more deforestation, more use of vehicles leading to more environmental degradation.
2. Affluence also have negative impact on the environment because wealthy people tend to exploit the resources without thinking about the environment and hence more, environmental degradation.
3. Affluence also has positive effect on the environment as wealthy people can use their money in many technological research and can also be concerned about the environmental impact.
4. Due to poverty, some people are not able to get even their basic needs like food, shelter, water etc. and to get this they tend to degrade the forest, water bodies, soil etc. thereby depleting the environment even more.
5. Nature deficit disorder is a phenomenon in which children does not go out and are not exposed to nature because parents does not want their children to get harm from the insects and animals due to which there is a behavioural change in children.
6. Human centred world view is the idea that says that humans are the most important species and representative of the earth
Life centred world view is the idea that says that humans have the responsibility to prevent the extinction of species.
Earth centred world view says that the nature is available for every species on the earth and the earth is not under our control.
Environmental world view gives us an idea about our role in the environment and our activities that causes positive or negative effect on the environment and also understand how does the world perform its function.
7. I believe, increase in population has caused more environmental impact than excessive use of resources because more the population, more will be the consumption of resources and if the population is stable then everyone will have enough resources for their food.