The centipede is around 6 centimeters long. To find out how many millimeters the centipede is, we can convert 6 centimeters to millimeters.
If we know that 1 centimeter is equal to 10 millimeters, this means that 6 centimeters would be equal to 60 millimeters. This is because we can multiply 10 by 6. The centipede is about 60 millimeters long.
The bottle of water holds 1 liter of water, which weighs 1 kilogram. If Samir drinks half of the bottle of water. We have to find out how many milliliters of water the water bottle has. First, we need to understand that 1 liter = 1,000 milliliters. If the bottle holds 1 liter of water, we can divide 1,000 by 2 and we will get a quotient of 500. Now we know the water bottle has 500 milliliters of water.
If the water bottle weighed 1 kilogram before the water went out of it, then after the water left the bottle it weighed around 500 grams.
1 kilogram = 500 grams