G. story 1. History
D. postal coach 2. Mail
J. moved heavily 3. Lumbered
B. mud 4. Mire
F. enjoyment 5. Relish
A. disobedient 6. Mutinous
I. provided 7. Endued
E. given up 8. Capitulated
Step-by-step explanation:
I have been able to match the words that closely match to the words in the passage.
History is known to a story that is passed; something that took place in the past. A postal coach is responsible to deliver mail.
Lumber has to do with moving slowly and heavily. Mire has to do with mud.
Relish refers to one having a great enjoyment of somebody or something.
Mutinous speaks of being disobedient and unwilling to obey. Endued refers to being provided with something. Capitulate refers to when one gives up on somebody or something.