First-fit, Best-fit, and Worst-fit these are the techniques for the memory allocation of process in the memory locations.
First -fit: Allocating the first memory location to the process which is just smaller than or equal.
Best-fit: Allocating the smallest memory location that is greater than or equal to the size of process.
Worst-fit: Allocating the largest memory location in the storage to the processes.
These are the memory locations-100 k,600 k,400 k,500 k,300 k and size of processes-117 k,412 k,325 k and 510 k
For the first-fit,
We allocate 117 k to the 600 k memory location
Then, we allocate 412 k to the 500 k because others don't have the size.
Then,we allocate 325 k to the 400 k.
510 k will stop,as no memory locations can execute.
For the Best-fit,
We allocate 117 k to the 300 memory location
Then,we allocate 412 k to the 500 k.
Then,we allocate 325 k to the 400 k not 600 k according to best-fit.
Then we allocate 510 k to the 600 k.
For the worst fit,
We allocate 117 k to the 600 k memory location according to the worst-fit algorithm.
Then,we allocate 412 k to the 500 k.
Then,we allocate 325 k to the 400 k
We can' allocate 510 k in any memory location.